Participation in the Golden Buckeye program is free to all Ohio residents who are:
If you are turning 60 and have an Ohio driver license or Ohio ID card, your card will be automatically mailed to you just before your birthday. If you have not received your card by four weeks after your birthday, call toll free 1-800-422-1976 to verify your address and have a card sent to you.
If you need a replacement or new Golden Buckeye Card because:
Call toll free 1-800-422-1976 to have your information changed and a new card sent. You do not need to re-apply for a card.
Individuals who do not have a current license or State ID, as well as people under age 60 who are eligible due to disability, or who otherwise do not receive their card automatically, may apply for a card at the library. Please bring proof of age and disability if applicable.
For more information about the Golden Buckeye program or a list of participating businesses, visit or call:
Golden Buckeye: 1-800-422-1976