Audrey A., Miamisburg Middle School
You''ll Need Self-Confidence
Vince Lombardi once said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” In order to live a successful life, you’ll have to understand that life isn’t going to be easy. To live that perfect life, understand that perfection is impossible. Don’t reach for perfection, reach for your best potential. I’ve learned that trying to be perfect only hurts more. To have a good life, first, be a good person. And above all, remember that your own thoughts are everything. So, keep those thoughts positive. This has never been easy, and it never will be. Just know that these steps will change your life forever.
To really live life, you’ll need self-confidence. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone is perfectly-imperfect. Personally, I struggle with self-confidence every second. Especially at school. To me, it’s that constant nagging feeling of being alone. Everything seems much darker. It’s like this dreary grayness, pulling you in until your mind is numb with that loneliness. To gain self-confidence, follow step 2, keep your thoughts positive. Take a minute, a second even to understand truly how beautiful you are. Everyone struggles with self-love. Schools really don’t help when it comes to this. Teaching young girls that showing your skin is “Inappropriate.” So I understand when kids say, “I feel like everyone’s judging me”. Well, because society today has taught us that what you wear and how you look defines your confidence and worth. Learn to love yourself, understand that it’s not what you look like, but it’s your effort and mindset that’s truly defining you.
How can I deal with my problems, without putting myself or others down in the process? The easiest answer is, one, surround yourself with good, loyal people. If you surround yourself with people who truly cherish you, it’ll be hard to focus on the negative thoughts. I’ve had my share of insensitive people. I understand that sometimes it’s hard to find real and gracious friends. Secondly, have some fun in life! With this, I tend to be conflicted. Whilst I want to have fun and enjoy myself, sometimes it’s hard. I think people will judge me and then no one will like me. Well, that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you have fun in life, you will be building up so many positive feelings, you’ll forget that negative feelings ever existed! All I’m saying is when you’re down, rise up and never take someone down with you.
After writing this, I told myself that I wanted to make a new goal. Use this text to lift someone else up. As a girl who struggles with self-love, self-confidence, and self-image, helping someone else with the same problems is really all I want. So if you’re ever needing a life plan to really show yourself how amazing, and good you are, then try this. I say this truthfully, doing good in life, and being good to yourself and others will change your life, forever.