Library Home > Homework Alert
(Please enter at least one number with area code where you can be contacted between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday. Format xxx-xxx-xxxx.)
(How many students will be working on this assignment?)
(Please be specific. Project title, topic(s), description, number & type of materials to include (print, databases, magazines, websites, illustrations or charts needed, etc.)
(You have characters left)
Would you like us to email you a list of the materials we set aside?
(At which Library location would you like us to set aside the materials for your students?)
(On what date would you like the materials to be available at the Library for the students' use? Must be at least 7 days from today's date.)
(On what date may we return the Library materials back into our general collection.)
Would you like us to validate that your student visited the Library by stamping the assignment?