The Library is committed to providing programs, services, and facilities that ensure inclusive and adapted access for all.
Anyone needing personalized accommodations should contact the Library in advance.
Community volunteers deliver Library materials to permanently and temporarily homebound patrons.
The Library is committed to supporting and encouraging diversity via our diverse collection, programs and services.
Services for patrons who are unable to read standard print material due to visual impairments or other disabilities.
The ADA requires state and local government agencies who provide goods or services to the public to make "reasonable modifications" when necessary to accommodate people with disabilities. A service animal falls under this general principle. View this definition of service animal for additional guidance on the ADA Revised Requirements for Service Animals.
Each Library facility has one wheelchair for use by library patrons. This service is offered on a first-come, first-served basis by requesting a wheelchair at the Circulation Desk. For the safety of patrons and staff, wheelchairs must remain within the Library buildings and staff are not permitted to assist patrons in or out of the wheelchair.