Online Resources
Learn to read with ABCmouse, the award-winning reading app for kids ages 2–8. Inspire your child to love learning and build confidence in reading, math, and more!
from World Trade Press
More than 100,000 downloadable maps for any project, school lesson plans, and business reports.
K-12 lesson plans with activities.
From EBSCOhost
Designed with students and educators in grades K through 5 in mind, Explora Primary Schools provides a safe, trustworthy environment for students to look up facts for class projects or homework.
from Brainfuse
On demand, anytime, anywhere live tutoring for students K-12. Included is a Writing Lab and Send Question Center.
Access will end March 31, 2025.
Age-appropriate fiction & nonfiction. Find what to read next!
from EBSCO LearningExpress
A highly-acclaimed, comprehensive selection of interactive online tutorials, practice tests, articles, and eBooks all modeled after official tests.
Printable/downloadable activities for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Created for younger children, this graphic-intense resource helps them learn while having fun.
Tailored for students in elementary and middle schools, with thousands of articles, learning resources, and research tools.
Web Links
Be Internet Awesome
The Be Internet Awesome family guide and fun online game give families the tools and resources to learn about online safety and citizenship at home.
Bullying Prevention for Parents & Kids
Provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
Camps Rock!
New search engine created by parents to help find camp opportunities for children in the Dayton area.
Family Education Network
Includes resources to cover pregnancy to teen years with entertainment and activities, school and learning, and even meal planning.
CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy’s CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards recognize five high-quality picture books that provide excellent support of early literacy development in young children. The five winning titles support and model each of the five early literacy practices: Read, Write, Sing, Talk, and Play.
Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health
This encyclopedia reference, originally a four volume set, is easy to access now from our catalog. Follow this link and go to middle of page to "Click here to access." It covers kids’ health topics from acne to yoga, and lots more!
Growing Book by Book
This blog is full of great ideas to promote books and reading with your child.
International Children's Digital Library
Treasure trove of children's books that can be read online in many languages from Amharic to Vietnamese.
Khan Academy
This free site includes courses in math for third grade through high school, sciences, the humanities and test prep including the SAT, MCAT, and more. "Reward" badges inspire students to stay involved, and reporting capabilities let parents & teachers see student progress.
Online safety tools for young people and parents.
Ohio Report Card Resources
Find out how your local school district did on the Ohio Report Card academic performance ratings.
Reading Rockets
Information about teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle.
Toddler Approved
This site features activities, crafts, and parenting blog posts primarily for children ages 0-6. The site finds ways to make life a little more fun and creative.
We Need Diverse Books
Provides resources to connect youth with diverse literature.
Teaching Kids About Money
How Much Food Can You Buy For $5 Around The World? by BuzzFeed
Cost of living differs from country to country. One way to see this is in the cost of basic food staples.
Money As You Grow
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers 20 essential, age-appropriate financial lessons with corresponding activities that kids need to know as they grow.
Money Geek
Free financial tools, calculators, and resources to simplify choices for your money and your future.
Find games, fun activities, websites, video games, and information about money for kids and youth.
My Credit Union.Gov
Resources, and tips for how you can teach your child about financial literacy.
Sense & Dollars
Practice many effective ways of earning, spending, saving, and investing money in a safe interactive environment.
The Time Value of Money Video by German Nande of TEDEd
We've all heard the phrase, "time is money", but what do these two things actually have to do with one another? Find out about the math behind interest rates and the equation that will allow you to calculate the future value of your money if you put it in the bank.
What Gives a Dollar Bill Its Value? Video by Doug Levinson of TEDEd
The value of money is determined by how much (or how little) of it is in circulation. But who makes that decision, and how does their choice affect the economy at large? Take a trip into the United States Federal Reserve to examinine how the people who work there aim to balance the value of the dollar to prevent inflation or deflation.